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Subject: Call for papers--InArt conference

Call for papers--InArt conference

From: Irina Sandu <irina.sandu<-at->
Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Call for papers

1st International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and

This first International Conference on Innovation in Art Research
and Technology will be held at the University of Evora 10-13 July
2013. This event intends to bring together specialists working in
the field of Conservation Science and Applied Researches and
Technologies for Conservation of Cultural Heritage from all around
the world.

As an interdisciplinary platform of dialogue and dissemination of
scientific results, this conference will also welcome professionals,
academic staff, early stage researchers and students from art
history, museology, archaeology, architectural conservation and
practical conservation field. Special attention will be given to
innovative techniques, tools and products from Surface/Nano-Science
and Environmental areas and to novel dissemination/Outreach
strategies and tools for Scientific Conservation.

All interested participants may submit proposals for oral
communications or posters.

The proposals should be in the form of a written abstract, in
English (one page). These should be sent in doc or docx format,
until 15 February 2013, to inart2013<-at->uevora<.>pt according to the
template available on


Accepted abstracts of papers and posters will be published in a Book
of Abstracts, to be delivered during the conference and to be made
available online after the conference.

Accepted oral presentations will be published in two Special Issues
of the International Journal of Conservation Science and Conservar
Patrimonio, according specific instructions to be found on the
website of both journals.

Further details on the conference venue, registration fees and
accommodation may be found at the conference's home page:


We look forward to see you in Evora next year.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee

Antonio Candias

Irina Sandu, PhD
Assistant Researcher
REQUIMTE e Departamento de Conservacao e Restauro
Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campus de Caparica
Caparica, 2829-516
+351 212948322 ext. 11305
Fax: +351. 212948322

                  Conservation DistList Instance 26:28
                Distributed: Thursday, December 6, 2012
                       Message Id: cdl-26-28-005
Received on Wednesday, 28 November, 2012

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