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Subject: Webinars on sustainable preservation practices

Webinars on sustainable preservation practices

From: Patricia Ford <pafpph<-at->
Date: Friday, November 9, 2012
The Image Permanence Institute is presented a series of free
webinars for collections care and facilities staff in cultural
institutions is designed to enable collections care and facilities
staff in cultural institutions to work together to achieve an
optimal preservation environment-one that combines the best possible
preservation of collections with the least possible consumption of
energy, and is sustainable over time. This series is funded by the
National Endowment for the Humanities Education and Training grant

Webinar presentations will focus on broad environmental challenges
and provide useful and effective suggestions for dealing with them.
Webinars will be presented by IPI staff unless noted otherwise. Each
webinar will be presented on a Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:30 Eastern
Standard Time. You can get additional details and register for
webinars at


    January 9, 2013
    The Evolution of New Standards: Defining an Optimal and
    Sustainable Preservation Environment in the 21st Century

    February 6, 2013
    Dealing with Winter Dryness

    March 6, 2013
    Understand the Role of Temperature-Relative Humidity-Dew Point
    in Creating a Sustainable Preservation Environment

    April 3, 2013
    Fundamentals of HVAC:  What Shapes Optimal Preservation

    May 1, 2013
    Best Practices for Collecting and Analyzing Environmental Data

    June 5, 2013
    Dealing with Summer Heat and Humidity

    July 10, 2013
    Investigate your HVAC System and Identify Potential Energy

    Guest Speaker Peter Herzog, Herzog/Wheeler and Associates,
    Energy Management Consultant

    August 7, 2013
    Practical Approaches to Environmental Control for Small

    Guest speaker, Richard Kerschner, Director of Preservation and
    Conservation, Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, Vermont

    September 4, 2013
    Sustainable Preservation Practices-Key Team Activities

We encourage facilities administrators, HVAC technicians, curators,
conservators, directors, librarians, archivists and collection
managers to attend. Whenever possible, teams of collections and
facilities staff should participate together.

If you have any questions contact

    Patti Ford

Patricia Ford
Image Permanence Institute
Rochester Institute of Technology
GAN 7B, Room 2000
70 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623-5604

                  Conservation DistList Instance 26:25
                 Distributed: Monday, November 12, 2012
                       Message Id: cdl-26-25-004
Received on Friday, 9 November, 2012

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