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Subject: Online course on materials for storage and display

Online course on materials for storage and display

From: Helen Alten <helen<-at->
Date: Monday, October 15, 2012
MS204: Materials for Storage and Display
Instructor: Gretchen Anderson
Price: $495
Nov 5-30, 2012
Location: Online at

Description: One of the great benefits of the 21st century is the
abundance of materials for storing and displaying collections.
Materials for Storage and Display covers this vast array in detail.
Lectures and handouts separate materials by properties: rigid,
padding, barrier and attachments. Slide shows illustrate the use of
each. The course emphasizes acid-free materials and how to retrofit
less appropriate materials. Materials for Storage and Display keeps
current with the latest materials available for preservation. Using
material testing as a decision making tool is covered. Participants
receive notebooks with samples of all of the materials discussed.

Logistics: Participants in Materials for Storage and Display work at
their own pace through eight sections. Instructor Helen Alten is
available at scheduled times during the course for email support.
Students work individually and interact through forums and scheduled
online chats. Materials include PowerPoint lectures, readings and
lecture notes, as well as message forums, projects, quizzes, and
links to relevant web sites. The course is limited to 20

Materials for Storage and Display lasts four weeks. To reserve a
spot in the course, please pay at If you have trouble
please contact Helen Alten at helen<-at->collectioncare<.>org

The Instructor:

    Objects conservator Gretchen Anderson learned her craft at the
    American Museum of Natural History, the Smithsonian's
    Conservation Analytical Lab, the Canadian Conservation
    Institute, Getty Conservation Lab, the Los Angeles County Museum
    of Art, and the Minnesota Historical Society. She established
    the conservation department at the Science Museum of Minnesota
    in 1989. She is the co-author of A Holistic Approach to Museum
    Pest Management, a technical leaflet for the American
    Association for State and Local History and established a
    rigorous IPM program for the Science Museum. She was a key
    member in the planning team that designed and built a new
    facility for the Science Museum of Minnesota. This endeavor
    resulted in not only a state of the art exhibition and storage
    facility, but also a major publication about the experience of
    building a new museum and creating the correct environments:
    Moving the Mountain. In 2009 she accepted the position of
    conservator and head of the conservation section at the Carnegie
    Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. Ms. Anderson is a
    member of the American Institute for Conservation and the
    Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections. She
    lectures and presents workshops on preventive conservation, IPM,
    cleaning in museums, and practical methods and materials for
    storage of collections.

Brad Bredehoft for Helen Alten
Northern States Conservation Center

                  Conservation DistList Instance 26:22
                 Distributed: Monday, October 22, 2012
                       Message Id: cdl-26-22-011
Received on Monday, 15 October, 2012

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