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Subject: Spanish Mural

Spanish Mural

From: Susanne Traub <s.traub1<-at->
Date: Tuesday, September 4, 2012
John Greenwood <john.greenwood [at] canberra__edu__au> writes

>Restoration? of the Spanish Mural: Speaking out for the octogenarian
>    See
>    <URL:>
>...  I find it sad
>that the elderly woman who repainted it is being referred to as
>unspeakable and she should be condemned.  I feel it does highlight
>some very important issues that as conservators we should discuss.
>If, as I imagine, the elderly woman was a parishioner in the church
>and she loved and cherished the mural, then what she did was done in
>good faith. ...
>If there are any Spanish conservators who live nearby then go and
>give her a bunch of flowers and show your support for her strength
>of feeling and faith.  Perhaps involve her in the tidying up of the
>mural, if that is thought necessary and introduce her to the ideas
>and practices of conservation.  Never too late to learn.

I came along that news too.

Agree that the words "she should be condemned" are too harsh. Okay,
as a faithful parishioner, she did it with good intention. But,
offering her a bunch of flowers is maybe the opposite extreme to

Even good intentions don't justify in the end acting as an
individual on whatever is, still, public. Maybe it touches us
because it reflects the reality: what to do with so many religious
artifacts if there is no one looking at them inspired with a glimpse
of the intention of the creator/artist? We can still have respect
for them and act like that.

Nevertheless, inviting her to be involved in the tidying up of the
mural could be a good idea to re-install her in the community and
not to make an elephant from a mouse  ;-)

Susanne Traub
Painting Conservator
Atelier Susanne Traub
Deixlfurt 8
82327 Tutzing
Mobile: +49 17693110157

                  Conservation DistList Instance 26:16
                Distributed: Saturday, September 8, 2012
                       Message Id: cdl-26-16-004
Received on Tuesday, 4 September, 2012

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