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Subject: Adhesive for photographs

Adhesive for photographs

From: Alice Cannon <acannon<-at->
Date: Monday, August 27, 2012
Corinna Herrmann <corinna.herrmann [at] stadt-frankfurt__de> writes

>Since I cannot find out the ingredients of the glue stick, I would
>prefer another product. The product will have to be photo-safe, easy
>to apply, stored at room temperature, and available in Germany or at
>least Europe. Any ideas?

Regarding the recent discussion on suitable adhesives for
photographs, I'd like to note that Lascaux 360HV and 498HV both
failed the Canadian Conservation Institute's recent Photographic
Activity Tests (PAT). Their results were presented last year at
CCI's Adhesives and Consolidants conference. (The papers are
available at


The adhesive samples caused oxidation/reduction of the colloidal
silver detector, but passed the mottling/staining part of the test.
The results of these PAT tests would apparently also apply to inkjet
prints, as well as more traditional formats.

Earlier this year I sent some of our Lascaux samples to the National
Archives of Australia for PAT tests (both kinds); the older batches
passed (from 2005/2006) but the newer ones did not (2012). NAA's
conclusions were that either something had off-gassed from the older
samples, or that there'd been a change of formula. They recommended
testing each new batch of Lascaux.

Lascaux has been used by photograph conservators quite a lot,
especially for hinging. I'd be interested in hearing about what
other adhesives people have been using for mounting photographs.
I've been experimenting with Fusion 4000, an EVA film used for
drymounting photos. It has potential (and passed CCI's tests), but
Lascaux is certainly more versatile. It also appears to be stronger
and is less susceptible to user inconsistency on application,

Other attendees at last year's CCI conference noted that Lascaux
360HV will be discontinued by the manufacturers. Has anyone heard
anything more on this issue?

Regarding Corinna Herrmann's original query about adhesives for
photographs--is it possible to put the photographs into clear
plastic sleeves, with a support board? This would remove the need
for any adhesive at all, which is preferable. The sleeves could be
made from Mylar, or polypropylene/polyethylene (cheaper). Using
photo corners to secure the photographs to the board might also be
possible. (Apologies if this has already been suggested).

Alice Cannon
Senior Conservator Paper and Photographs
Collection Management
State Library of Victoria
328 Swanston Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
+61 3 8664 7331

                  Conservation DistList Instance 26:15
                 Distributed: Sunday, September 2, 2012
                       Message Id: cdl-26-15-002
Received on Monday, 27 August, 2012

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