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Subject: Call for papers--Symposium on virtual reality, archaeology and cultural heritage

Call for papers--Symposium on virtual reality, archaeology and cultural heritage

From: Corinna Hattersley-Mitchell <c.hattersley-mitchell<-at->
Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2012
VAST 2012
The 12th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and
    Cultural Heritage
Brighton, UK
19-21 November 2012

Use inspired scientific advances in heritage

Digital technology has the potential to influence every aspect of
the cultural heritage environment. Archaeologists and cultural
heritage scientists as well as Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) experts have in the past collaborated to find
solutions to optimise all aspects of capturing, managing, analysing
and delivering cultural information, but many unsolved problems
remain. The goal of VAST 2012 will be to build on the open dialogue
between these different areas of expertise, and in particular allow
ICT experts to have a better understanding of the critical
requirements that cultural heritage professionals have for managing
and delivering cultural information and for the ICT systems that
support these activities.

To achieve this VAST 2012 will explore the entire pipeline of ICT in
cultural heritage from background research to exploitation. The
conference not only focuses on the development of innovative
solutions, but it will investigate the issues of the exploitation of
computer science research by the cultural heritage community. The
transition from research to practical reality can be fraught with
difficulty. The digital environment provides new opportunities and
new business processes for sustainability, but with these
opportunities there are also challenges. VAST 2012 will provide an
opportunity for the heritage and ICT communities to understand these
challenges and shape the future of ICT and heritage research.

We are seeking contributions that advance the state of the art in
the information technologies available to support cultural heritage.
In particular:

Data Acquisition and Processing:

    2/3/4D data capture
    Geometry processing and representations
    On-site and remotely sensed data collection
    Digital capture of intangible heritage (performance, audio,
    dance, oral)
    Geographical information systems

Metadata Handling:

    Classification schemas, ontologies and semantic processing
    Long-term preservation of digital artefacts
    Digital libraries, data management and collection management
    Multilingual applications, tools and systems


    Mobile technologies
    Virtual museums
    Augmentation of physical collections with digital presentations
    Interactive environments and applications
    Multi-modal interfaces and rendering
    Storytelling and design of heritage communications
    Usability, effectiveness and interface design
    Intelligent and knowledge-based tools for digital reconstruction
    Authoring tools for creating new cultural experiences

Practitioners' Experience:

    Professional and ethical guidelines
    Standards and documentation
    Requirements and policies
    Methodological issues and research paradigms
    Tools for education and training
    Serious games in cultural heritage
    Assistance in monitoring and restoration

Economics and Business:

    Economics of cultural informatics
    Watermarking, provenance, copyright and IPR
    Business models and sustainability for ICT in cultural heritage
    Impact of ICT applications in cultural heritage

Other relevant works concerning the application of information
technologies to Cultural Heritage, not explicitly included in the
above categories, are also welcome for submission.  Accepted papers
will be presented in the form of:

    Full research papers presenting new innovative results: these
    papers will be published by Eurographics in the EG Symposium
    Series (ISSN 1881-864X). The contributions should not exceed 8
    pages, including bibliography and illustrations.

    Short papers presenting preliminary results and
    works-in-progress or focusing on on-going projects, the
    description of project organization, use of technology, and
    lesson learned. These papers will have an oral and poster
    presentation and will be published in the "Projects and Short
    Papers" proceedings volume. The contributions should not exceed
    4 pages, including bibliography and illustrations.

Best Papers Award

The best papers selected at VAST 2012 will have the opportunity to
be submitted to the ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
(JOCCH). JOCCH is published online during the year and then a
hardcopy volume is produced at the end of the year.

For further information visit


Corinna Hattersley-Mitchell
PA/Administrative Assistant to Prof David Arnold
Cultural Informatics Research Group
W108 Watts Building
University of Brighton
Brighton BN2 4GJ
+44 1273 64 2468

                  Conservation DistList Instance 26:13
                  Distributed: Sunday, August 19, 2012
                       Message Id: cdl-26-13-004
Received on Tuesday, 14 August, 2012

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