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Subject: Call for papers--ICON Science Group

Call for papers--ICON Science Group

From: Kostas Ntanos <kostas.ntanos<-at->
Date: Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Call for Papers

"Positive Futures in an Uncertain World"
ICON Science Group
ICON Conference 2013
University of Glasgow, Scotland
April 10-12, 2013

In partnership with the University of Glasgow

The ICON Science Group will host a half-day session during the
conference on the theme of: "Heritage science projects in support of
end-user practice and policy"

Both researchers and end-users are invited to submit papers from
their perspective, their involvement and the impact research is
having on their work or change in their practice and policy.

Deadlines for papers: Please send abstracts, maximum 300 words, by
10 September 2012 to

    Kostas Ntanos <kostas.ntanos<-at->nationalarchives<.>gsi<.>gov<.>uk>

Please include the names, addresses and email addresses of all
authors and indicate the author for correspondence.

Papers will be selected by 10 October 2012.

Bookings open 1 October 2012.

Deadline for submission of papers to special conference issue of the
Journal is 28 February 2013.

Conference papers will not be published but authors are invited to
submit their papers for consideration for publication in the Spring
2014 issue of the Journal of the Institute of Conservation. Further
information will be available on our website. For more information
about the conference visit


Kostas Ntanos
Head of Conservation Research and Development
The National Archives

                  Conservation DistList Instance 26:12
                 Distributed: Saturday, August 11, 2012
                       Message Id: cdl-26-12-006
Received on Wednesday, 8 August, 2012

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