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Subject: Magic Rub erasers

Magic Rub erasers

From: William Minter <wminter<-at->
Date: Friday, June 29, 2012
Recently, I learned that the Magic Rub Erasers have been changed.
The new product has the imprint of Prismacolor, in addition to the
"Magic Rub" name as supplied by Sanford Corporation, a division of
Rubbermaid. According to one source, the new erasers have a
different odor.

Upon further investigation, the erasers are no longer manufactured
in the USA and now come from Mexicali, Mexico. Since the product is
being "outsourced", Sanford has little or no control. They will not
provide any further information. At the same time, we are unable to
obtain the eraser in the raw, manufactured slabs. They are now only
available in the finished, retail form.

Most conservators know that the Magic Rub erasers were tested by CCI
in the 1990s and reports are available. Since there appears to be a
change in the formulation, these erasers will have to be tested

    **** Moderator's comments:

    See Janet Cowan
    Canadian Conservation Institute
    Technical Bulletin #11 Dry Methods for Surface Cleaning of Paper

    For background see also:

    E. J. Pearlstein, D. Cabelli, A. King, & N. Indictor
    "Effects of Eraser Treatment on Paper"
    JAIC 1982, Volume 22, Number 1
    in JAIC Online:

    Chapter 14. Surface cleaning (8th Edition (electronic facsimile),
    The Paper Conservation Catalog
    AIC Book and Paper Group, 1992.
    Compilers: Susan Duhl, and Nancy Nitzberg

    <URL:> and the
    AIC Wiki version which is in the process of corrected

    Also This topic has been discussed in the DistList before and a
    trip through the archives may useful

Bill Minter
William Minter Bookbinding and Conservation, Inc.
4364 Woodbury Pike
Woodbury, PA  16695
Fax: 814-793-4045

                  Conservation DistList Instance 26:7
                   Distributed: Monday, July 9, 2012
                        Message Id: cdl-26-7-004
Received on Friday, 29 June, 2012

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