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Subject: Call for papers--NZCCM Annual Conference

Call for papers--NZCCM Annual Conference

From: Marion Mertens <mmertens<-at->
Date: Monday, June 4, 2012
Call for Papers
"Looking for Clues: Science Working with Conservation"
NZCCM National Conference
Dunedin, New Zealand
7-9 November 2012

The New Zealand Conservators of Cultural Material will be holding
their annual Conference in Dunedin. This year we aim to explore the
many ways in which science assists and supports the work of
conservators across all of the specialty areas. here are many
resources available to the conservator, but the various branches of
science fill our tool box with some of the most basic, useful and
diverse implements. Scientific research, chemical and physical
analysis and the study of natural history are a few of the
disciplines that help to provide answers to our conservation

Proposals are invited for presentations that describe the
collaboration between science and conservation. We welcome papers
from those in the science field who have worked to help provide
answers to conservation questions, on conservation treatments, and
research or preventive approaches for conservation in general.

Abstracts up to 300 words in length should be submitted by 31 July
2012 to: nzccmconference2012<-at->gmail<.>com

Speakers will be notified by 31 August 2012 if their submissions
have been accepted.

Venue: Dunedin Public Art Gallery,  The Octagon,   DUNEDIN     New

The three day conference will include an evening reception on
Tuesday 6 November, two days of conference presentations, tours of
the analytical facilities and collections of the Division of
Sciences, University of Otago, polarised light microscopy workshops
and tours of historic Dunedin buildings.


    Catherine Smith
    +61 3 479 7548

                  Conservation DistList Instance 26:3
                  Distributed: Saturday, June 9, 2012
                        Message Id: cdl-26-3-008
Received on Monday, 4 June, 2012

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