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Subject: Program on collections management

Program on collections management

From: Kimberly Magyar <pso<-at->
Date: Thursday, April 12, 2012
"Avoiding Policy Pitfalls: Managing Collections Wisely"
Presented by the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts
Newark Museum
49 Washington Street
Newark NJ 07102
July 23, 2012

    8:30-9am        Registration and Refreshments
    9am - 4:45pm    Program

Cosponsored and hosted by Newark Museum, NJ


    Rebecca Buck
    Deputy Director for Collection Services, Newark Museum

    Jean Gilmore
    Registrar, Brandywine River Museum, Chadds Ford, PA

    John Simmons
    Museologica, Bellefonte, PA

Policy documents form the foundation of all collections management
and stewardship activities.  Well developed and articulated
collections management policies aid collecting institutions in
making systematic and ethical decisions for matters involving
collections.  Through lectures and group discussions, participants
in the program will learn about critical components of collections
policies and hear tips for avoiding typical collections stumbling

Topics covered will include:

    Elements of a Good Collections Management Policy
    Ethics in Collections Management
    Overview of Acquisitions Procedures
    Collection Conundrums
    When Policy Meets Reality: Staff Training and Implementation

This program is intended for staff of cultural heritage
organizations responsible for collections, including directors,
curators, development officers, registrars, collections managers,
and stewards of historic house museums.

Registration and fees:
    $85    CCAHA members
    $100    Non-members

Registration, secure credit card payment, and additional program
information are available at


Major funding for this program was generously provided by the
National Endowment for the Humanities with additional support from
The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.

Questions?  Call 215-545-0613 or email pso<-at->ccaha<.>org

The Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) is
the largest non-profit conservation facility in the United States,
serving other non-profit cultural, educational and research
institutions, as well as private individuals and organizations.
Founded in 1977, CCAHA specializes in the treatment of works of art
and historic artifacts on paper, photographs, and books, as well as
works on parchment and papyrus, and provides state-of-the-art
digital imaging services. CCAHA's conservation and preservation
services staff develop and present educational programs; conduct
preservation assessments; provide assistance with preservation
planning; and develop emergency preparedness plans. Additionally,
CCAHA's development department provides fundraising and grant
writing support to non-profit institutions seeking assistance for
preservation and conservation projects.

For information on additional educational opportunities, visit
<URL:> or find us on Facebook.

Kimberly Magyar
Preservation Services Assistant
264 S. 23rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Fax: 215-735-9313

                  Conservation DistList Instance 25:46
                  Distributed: Sunday, April 15, 2012
                       Message Id: cdl-25-46-006
Received on Thursday, 12 April, 2012

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