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Subject: Online course on abandoned property in collections

Online course on abandoned property in collections

From: Helen Alten <helen<-at->
Date: Friday, January 27, 2012
MS 303: Found in the Collection: Orphans, Old Loans and Abandoned
Instructor: Lin Nelson-Mayson
Price: $475
Feb 6 - Mar 9, 2012
Location: Online at <URL:>

Description: Every museum has a few stray items. Some lost tags long
ago. Others turn up as surprises during inventories. A few are all
that remain from long-ago exhibits. While you'll want to keep some,
others may be deteriorating. Even worse, some pose significant
hazards for staff and the rest of the collection. All raise legal
and professional questions. How do you deal with objects that have
no records? Or loans from unidentified or deceased lenders? Found in
the Collection addresses how to identify abandoned objects and old
loans. It further covers the application of state laws and rules for
identifying owners or establishing ownership.

Logistics: Participants in Found in the Collection work through
sections on their own. Instructor Lin Nelson-Mayson is available for
scheduled email support. Materials and resources include online
literature, slide lectures and dialog between students and online
chats led by the instructor. The course is limited to 20

Found in the Collection runs four weeks. To reserve a spot in the
course, please pay at
<URL:> If you have trouble
please contact Helen Alten at helen<-at->collectioncare<.>org

The Instructor:

    Lin Nelson-Mayson, with over 25 years of museum experience at
    small and large institutions, is director of the University of
    Minnesota's Goldstein Museum of Design. Prior to that, she was
    the director of ExhibitsUSA, a nonprofit exhibition touring
    organization that annually tours over 30 art and humanities
    exhibitions across the country. For five years, she was a
    coordinator or judge for the American Association of Museums'
    Excellence in Exhibitions Competition. She currently serves on
    the exhibition committee for the National Sculpture Society. Ms.
    Nelson-Mayson has extensive experience with the planning,
    preparation, research and installation of exhibitions. Ms
    Nelson-Mayson's experience includes teaching museum studies and
    museology courses. Her particular interest is the needs of small

Brad Bredehoft for Helen Alten
Northern States Conservation Center

                  Conservation DistList Instance 25:35
                Distributed: Saturday, January 28, 2012
                       Message Id: cdl-25-35-014
Received on Friday, 27 January, 2012

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