Subject: Conference on mold and health
"Moulds and Health in Libraries, Archives and Museums Conservation: Health and Legal Implications" The National Library of Scotland Board Room, George IV Bridge Edinburgh EH1 1EW Monday 5 December 2011 Following the great success of Mould and Dust conferences at the NLS, Preservation Advisory Centre at the British Library; NLS in association with BL, EBS and Passenham Manor Tythe Barn Events Presents a Multidisciplinary and Practical Briefing "Moulds and "Health in Libraries, Archives and Museums Conservation: Health and Legal Implications". Chairperson: Mr Robert Jackson Preservation and Conservation Manager, NLS Program 09:00-09-30 Coffee / Registration 09:30 - 09:40 Opening address: NLS Deputy National Librarian 09:40 - 10:10 Overview of Dust and Moulds in Libraries, Archives and Museums Barry Knight, British Library 10:10 - 11:00 Moulds and Dust in Collections; Conservation, Health and Legal Implications; Way forward for Successful Scientific Sustainable Solutions Jagjit Singh, EBS Ltd 11:00 - 11:30 Tea / Coffee 11:30 - 12:00 Preventing the Risk of Mould: Diagnostic Environmental Monitoring and Non-Destructive Assessment Huw Lloyd, EBS Ltd 12:00 - 12:45 Lessons Learnt: Case Studies on the National Library of Scotland Robert Jackson NLS 12:45 - 13:00 Question/Answer Session and Close For further information please contact Dr Jagjit Singh Environmental Building Solutions +44 1908 266522 Fax: +44 1908 266523 ebs<-a t->ebssurvey< . >co< . >uk <URL:> (Programme may change without prior notice) Please complete and return this section (Places are limited; available on first come first basis) Please reserve: [ ] place(s) at the conference: Moulds and Health in Libraries, Archives and Museums Conservation: Health and Legal Implications, Monday 5 December 11 Name(s) Company Address: Telephone: Email I enclose a cheque for UKP (UKP96.00) UKP80.00+VAT per delegate, covering attendance, conference documentation and refreshments during the day. Please make cheque payable to EBS Ltd. Signed Date Please send all correspondence to: Mrs Pala Kaur Conference Secretary Passenham Manor Passenham Milton Keynes MK19 6DH ebs<-a t->ebssurvey< . >co< . >uk Rab Jackson Preservation and Conservation Manager National Library of Scotland George IV Bridge Edinburgh EH1 1EW +44 131 623 3858 Mobile: +44 7946 165879 *** Conservation DistList Instance 25:17 Distributed: Tuesday, October 4, 2011 Message Id: cdl-25-17-010 ***Received on Monday, 26 September, 2011