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Subject: Lectures on conservation research at Cardiff University

Lectures on conservation research at Cardiff University

From: Jane Henderson <hendersonlj<-a>
Date: Thursday, June 9, 2011
Cardiff University is offering an alumni CPD event for graduates
from our undergraduate and postgraduate conservation degree
programmes. This will be one day of lectures on the most recent
developments in research at Cardiff University. The event will
provide an update of the latest research and analytical approaches
being carried out by the Conservation and Science staff. We hope
that this day will be the first of an annual series.

The CPD even will be on the 1 July 2011 and will cost UKP20 to cover
the cost of lunch and coffee. We have organised it for a Friday in
the hope that people are able to stay on for a meal in the evening
and have a chance to catch up on news in a relaxed setting.

The programme will be

    10.00 - 10.30       Arrivals, welcome and coffee

    10-30-11.15         Keeping the rust at bay: developing better
                        preservation strategies for heritage iron:
                            Melanie Rimmer
                            Research Associate - Corrosion and
                            conservation of iron

    11-15-12.00         Preservation of Brunel's ss Great Britain:
                        Knowledge transfer and impact in research
                            David Watkinson
                            Reader in Conservation

    12.00 * 1.00        Lunch

    1-00-1.45           A practical demonstration of the portable
                            Phil Parkes
                            Senior Conservator

    1.45 - 2.30         Identification of tinning on archaeological
                        bronzes: new evidence and current research
                            Yiota Manti
                            Lecturer, Heritage Science

    2.30 - 2.45         Tea

    2.45 - 3.30         Decision making in conservation
                            Jane Henderson
                            Senior Lecturer, Conservation

    3.30 - 4.15         New developments in the analysis of early
                                Professor Ian C Freestone
                                Professor of Archaeological Science

    4.15                Questions and Close

The event will be held in John Percival Room, 4.45 Humanities
Building. Please contact Jane Henderson on hendersonLJ<-a t->cardiff< . >ac< . >uk
to book a place.

Jane Henderson
Senior Lecturer
Department of Archaeology and Conservation
Cardiff University
Humanities Building
Colum Road
Cardiff CF10 3EU
+44 29 2087 5629

                  Conservation DistList Instance 25:3
                   Distributed: Sunday, June 19, 2011
                        Message Id: cdl-25-3-010
Received on Thursday, 9 June, 2011

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