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Subject: ICON Photographic Materials Group

ICON Photographic Materials Group

From: Angels Arribas <aarribas>
Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Institute of Conservation Photographic Materials Group

Day Conference and Annual General Meeting
Icon Offices
3rd Floor Downstream Building
1 London Bridge
London, UK
7 November 2007

This one day conference organised by the Icon PhMG promises to be an
information packed day with speakers from the UK and Europe.  Topics
range from the pilot collaborative project between the Getty
Conservation Institute and the National Media Museum as they explore
the latest developments in scientific and analytical technology to
the use of volunteers who have undertaken preventative conservation
work in Norfolk.


    10am        Registration and coffee
    10.30am     Welcome address

    Papers      The Pilot Collaborative Project between the Getty
                Conservation Institute and the National Media Museum

                    Philippa Wright
                    The National Media Museum, Bradford and
                    Susie Clark, Conservator, York

                Condition Surveys of photographic collections: a
                case study of the fire-damaged Stephanos Fiotakis

                    Dessy Griva
                    Conservator, Benaki Museum, Athens

                Digital Image Quality Control a collaboration
                between two European universities, London
                Metropolitan and Malaga Universities

                    Pablo Ruiz
                    Conservator, Malaga

                Case Study: The Photographic Collection at the
                Botanical Garden of Palermo

                    Stefania Ruello
                    Conservator, Palermo, Italy

                Case Study:  Use of volunteers to complete a
                photographic storage project at Gressenhall Museum
                of Norfolk Life

                    Patricia Collins
                    Gressenhall Museum

    4pm         Annual General Meeting
    4:30pm      Close

Cost: UKP50 non-members; UKP40 Icon members; UKP30 students, to
include a sandwich lunch.

Free Student Places: Again we are offering two free student places.
If you would like to apply please send a short summary (up to 250
words) to the email or address above, marking your envelope Icon
Photographic Materials Groups (November Meeting) Free Places,
telling us how your studies will benefit from attending the meeting.

Call for Posters

Any institution or individual who would like to contribute a poster
featuring a photographic materials project for display at the AGM
should contact Anita Bools <anita.bools [at] nationaltrust__org__uk>.
Posters displayed at the Cold Storage Meeting on 11 June 2008 will
also be displayed at the AGM for those who missed them first time

Details and registration form can be found at

        Photographic Conservation Group

Angels Arribas
Icon PhMG Professional Development Committee Member

                  Conservation DistList Instance 21:27
                Distributed: Saturday, October 20, 2007
                       Message Id: cdl-21-27-016
Received on Wednesday, 17 October, 2007

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