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Subject: Comic books in plastic wrappers

Comic books in plastic wrappers

From: Paul Sillitoe <paul>
Date: Sunday, September 23, 2007
This enquiry is posted on behalf of a colleague who owns a
home-stored collection of some 300-400 comics, unopened in their
original "plastic" wrappers.

He is seeking advice about their best means of long-term storage and
preservation, in home conditions. He believes that some have
monetary value, but has limited funds for buying specialist storage

The comics date from the 1960s-1990s. All are in their original
"plastic" wrappers, unopened and without apparent ventilation holes
in the wrappers. They are stored piled into sealed cardboard boxes.

Issues seem to include: degradation of the plastic wrappers;
possible reactions between the paper comics and plastic wrappers;
ferrotyping of the print onto the plastic; differing microclimates
within individual wrapped comics, especially where plastic wrappers
may not be completely sealed; achieving best overall environmental

He would appreciate advice as to an effective low-cost storage and
preservation solution, should that be possible!

Paul Sillitoe

                  Conservation DistList Instance 21:24
               Distributed: Saturday, September 29, 2007
                       Message Id: cdl-21-24-035
Received on Sunday, 23 September, 2007

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