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Subject: Conference on authenticity and conservation

Conference on authenticity and conservation

From: Erma Hermens <e.hermens>
Date: Thursday, July 19, 2007
Preliminary programme and Early bird fee
Art, Conservation and Authenticities: Material, Concept, Context
Glasgow University 12-14 September 2007

The Early Bird fee for the conference runs until 1 of August 2007


    **** Moderator's comments: The above URL has been wrapped for
    email. There should be no newline.

Preliminary Programme

12 September 2007
9:9:30am Registration

Session 1
9:30 Welcome

Keynote 1

    10:10:45am              Christian Scheidemann
                            Contemporary Conservation, New York
                            The Role of the Conservator
                            today--between fabrication and

    10:45-11am              Questions
    11:11:30am              Coffee


    11:30-11:55am           Richard Gagnier
                            National Gallery of Art, Canada
                            Establishing the integrity of
                            Installation Art as its authentic

    11:55am-12:20pm         Jacqueline Ridge and Alice Strang
                            SNGMA, Edinburgh
                            Off the Wall: Installation, Concept and

    12:20-12:45pm           Cornelia Weyer
                            Dusseldorf Restoration/Conservation
                            Authenticity--a matter of time?
                            Restoring the Installation 'Glauben Sie
                            nicht, dass ich eine Amazone bin' 1975,
                            by Ulrike Rosenbach

    12:45-13                Questions
    13:2:15                 Lunch

Session 3

    2:15-2:40pm             Tiziana Caianiello
                            Independent art historian
                            The Creamcheese: From Disco to Museum

    2:40-3:05pm             Marina Pugliese and Barbara Ferriani
                            Municipal Collections, Milan
                            Brodsky, Merz, Spingel: the artist's
                            intention displayed?

    3:05-3:30pm             tbc

    3:30-3:45               Questions
    3:45-4:15               Tea

Session 4

    4:15-4:40pm             Ulrich Lang
                            Conservator, Museum fur Moderne Kunst
                            Fugitive Art

    4:40-5:05pm             Ben Harman and Polly Smith
                            GoMA, Glasgow
                            Christine Borland and Toby Paterson: The
                            artist's role in installation and future

    5:05-5:45pm             Questions/Discussion
    6:30-8pm                Civic Reception, Gallery of Modern Art,

13 September 2007

Session 1

    9:30-9:55am             Vivian Van Saaze
                            University of Maastricht/ICN, Amsterdam
                            Constructing authenticity? An
                            ethnographic study into the preservation
                            of One Candle (1988) by Nam June Paik

    9:55-10:20am            John Roeder
                            School of Music, University of British
                            Columbia, Vancouver
                            Archivists meet Artists: InterPARES
                            Insights into Authenticity

    10:20-10:45am           Dominic Paterson
                            History of Art Department, University of
                            Authenticity via a consideration of the
                            historical trajectory of Marcel
                            Duchamp's ready-made strategy

    10:45-11                Questions
    11:11:30                Coffee

Session 2

    11:30-11:55am           Ariane Noel de Tilly
                            Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis
                            Re-exhibiting the moving image: 'Douglas
                            Gordon's Play Dead: Real Tim'e and John
                            Massey's 'As the Hammer Strikes (A
                            partial Illustration)'

    11:55am-12:20pm         Megan Winget
                            School of Information University of
                            Texas, Austin
                            The Concept of Authenticity and the
                            preservation of New Media Art

    12:20-12:35pm           Questions
    12:35-2:10              Poster Session/Lunch

Session 3

Keynote 2

    2:10-2:55pm             Joyce Hill Stoner
                            Winterthur museum/University of Delaware
                            Art Conservation Program
                            Borders of Authenticity

    2:55-3:20pm             Astrid Fendt
                            Universitat Bielefeld
                            Restoration or de-restoration? Two
                            different concepts to recreate the
                            authentic condition of ancient
                            sculptures in the Antikensammlung,
                            Berlin in the 19th century

    3:20-3:35pm             Questions
    3:35-4pm                Tea

    4:4:25pm                Normanam Tennant and Nick Pearce
                            University of Amsterdam and Glasgow
                            Aspects of Authenticity--An Unusual
                            Chinese Neolithic Mortuary Urn in the
                            Burrell Collection

    4:25-4:50pm             Ute Griesser
                            Atelier fur Konservierung und
                            Restaurierung Erftstadt-Gymnich
                            Presenting, Handling and Working on
                            Sacred Thangkas--Do we do it right?

    4:50-5:15pm         Will Murray/Peter Black
                        Scottish Conservation Studio/Hunterian
                        Museum and Art Gallery
                        'The child in the womb in its natural
                        situation', a painted lead sculptures from
                        the collection of William Hunter: A question
                        of Authenticity

    5:15-5:45pm         Questions/Discussion
    7pm                 Conference dinner

14 September 2007

Session 1

    9:30-9:55am         Mark McLean
                        National Trust for Scotland
                        History, Tradition and Authenticity: A
                        Conceptual analysis of some approaches to
                        'authentic' heritage interpretation

    9:55-10:20am        Jean-Baptiste Martin
                        Sorbonne University, Paris
                        Wallpaper Reconstruction in Historic Houses:
                        Balancing Aesthetics with Authenticity

    10:20-10:45am       Ylva Dahnsjo
                        The National Trust
                        Uppark House, Sussex: an Ersatz Experience?

    10:45-11am          Questions

Session 2

    11:30am-11:55am     Ella Hendriks
                        Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
                        Van Gogh's Brushstrokes: Marks of

    11:55am-12:20pm     Alan Derbyshire et al
                        V&A, Museum London and RCA/V&A
                        Conservation Programme
                        A multi-faceted approach to the study of
                        Tudor portrait miniatures

    12:20-12:45pm       Gerry Alabone
                        Tate Britain
                        Frames and authenticity

    12:45-1pm           Questions
    1:2:15pm            Lunch

Session 3

    2:15-2:40pm         Charlotte Caspers and Kate Seymour
                        SRAL, Maastricht
                        How authentic can a historical
                        reconstruction be? A reconstruction of
                        Maarten van Heemskerck's "De Calverieberg"
                        1543 is discussed in terms of accuracy and
                        visual interpretation

    2:40-3:05pm         Eowyn Kerr
                        Kress Fellow, V&A Museum, London
                        Authenticity as related to the historical
                        research, method of construction,
                        conservation treatment and eventual display
                        of a 15th Century Florentine Cassone panel
                        in the V&A

    3:05-3:30pm         Victoria Button
                        V&A Museum, London
                        Issues surrounding the attribution of a
                        Holbein Drawing

    3:30-3:45pm         Questions
3:34-4:15pm             Tea

Session 4

    4:15-4:40pm         Gwen Tauber, Sabrina Meloni and Alice
                        Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam /  Maurithuis, The
                        The authenticity of heraldic arms on Olycan
                        family portraits by Frans Hals: the
                        importance of context in weighing the object
                        vs. the image

    4:40-5:05pm         Isabelle Brajer
                        The National Museum of Denmark
                        Authenticity and Restoration of Wall
                        Paintings--Issues of Truth and Beauty

    5:05-5:45pm         Discussion and closing

Erma Hermens and Tina Fiske
Glasgow University

                  Conservation DistList Instance 21:17
                  Distributed: Saturday, July 21, 2007
                       Message Id: cdl-21-17-016
Received on Thursday, 19 July, 2007

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