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Subject: Parchment size

Parchment size

From: Michael Maggen <maggen>
Date: Sunday, August 1, 1999
Traci Klein <tresmall [at] hotmail__com> writes

>Does anyone have a recipe for parchment size?

This is my way to prepare the size:

200 gr. parchment clips which were cut to 1X1cm., to be left over
night in a gaza cloth (or any other light cloth) in a tap water
container. Remove the parchment from the container throw away the
water. Put the gaza with the parchment and 1 liter tap water into
double-boiler and heat it up to 85 Celsius for 3 hours. While
heating it is recommended to stir once in a while the gaza with the
parchment clips, you can add some water to the "soup" to keep the
same water content 1 liter. Now you got the parchment size, when the
//zise gets cooler I filter it to remove impurities and  since I don't
use this quantity at once I use plastic sacks for ice cubes (for ice
cubes home made) and I freeze it, whenever I need some size I use
the microwave to defrost the size to liquid state.  Good luck,

Michael Maggen
Senior Paper Conservator
The Israel Museum Jerusalem
POB 71117
91710 Jerusalem Israel
+972 2 67 08 808
Fax: +972 02-56-31 833

                  Conservation DistList Instance 13:12
                 Distributed: Wednesday, August 4, 1999
                       Message Id: cdl-13-12-010
Received on Sunday, 1 August, 1999

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