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Subject: Internship sought

Internship sought

From: Maria Rubio <arer0000>
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999
    **** Moderator's comments: This query comes from a person who is
    not on the DistList and will not see any responses that are
    posted here.  Please respond directly to sender and if of
    general interest post it here as well

I have a B.A. in Fine Arts, specializing in Conservation and
Restoration, at the University of the Basque Country (U.P.V.) in
Bilbao, Spain, and at moment I am studying a Magister (M. A.) in
Museography (cataloging and organization of museums) and
Exhibitions that The Complutense University in Madrid (U.C.M)
organises in collaboration with the Professional Association of
Museum Curators of Spain. In this Magister the museum is the object
of a wide study carried out from all the thematic areas involved
documentation, conservation, spatial design, installation and
assembly of the works, graphic and visual design, promotion and

A part of the program of this Master involves a period of practice,
from four to six months of duration, in the departments of
conservation, education or exhibition settings in a museum. As it
practical side could be in any part of the world, I would like to
the chance to carry it out abroad, preferably in a English speaking
country. I would be free to perform this work from next July 1999. I
don't expect to be paid; as it's a part of my studies.

If curators of museums interested, please contact me:

    Maria Rubio
    Jose M. Pereda, 59. 4|A
    39300 Torrelavega (Spain)
    Fax: +34 942 890440
    arer0000 [at] encina__pntic__mec__es

                  Conservation DistList Instance 12:77
                 Distributed: Wednesday, March 31, 1999
                       Message Id: cdl-12-77-020
Received on Wednesday, 31 March, 1999

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