Subject: Archeological expeditions in Ukraine
Research-and-production company "Osiris" (Ukraine, Lugansk) takes applications for the participation in archaeological expeditions on the territory of Ukraine. The plan of this year studies includes settlements of epoch neolithic and eneolithic. We ask all wanting take part in working the expeditions or get acquainted from study material on paleolithic, mesolithic, neolithic, eneolithic, bronze 1987-1996 to report us on the e-mail osis<-a t->lumsi< . >lugansk< . >ua. The main part of our archeological expedition are scientific collaborators.They had to leave the Museum of history of our region and create a commercial company to earn some money for the maintenance of the archeological expedition. Unfortunately, there is no any charitable financial fond in our region. Since 1989 this stuff of the expedition had researched in detail 5 colonies of the final paleolithic, 3 colonies of mesolithic, 8 colonies of neolithic 3 colonies of eneoliothic and bronze. In 1997, since the 7th of july till the 20th of august we plan to research some colonies of the epoch of the neolithic (the early stage of the Donetsk meso-neolithic civilization) eneolithic and bronze. The excavations will take place in Kremensky forest, its area is 30*20 kilometers).There are more then 20 lakes on this territory.During our expeditions (in the period 1990-1997) we discovered 186 colonies from neolithic till the early iron age. If you are interesting in our expedition you have to : 1. warn us about your arrival by e-mail: osis<-a t->lumsy< . >lugansk< . >ua So we'll welcome you in Kiev or in Lugansk; 2. unfortunately, we haven't any chance to pay for your passage and living in the expedition, that is why take please at least $200 for one person for 30 days on feeding and so. 3. We are ready to take a group from 1 till 15 persons. 4. I have to warn you: there are a lot of difficulties in the expedition. You will live in the forest, in tents, cook on the campfire, swim in the lake. Surely, there no comfort in the forest, but you'll have an unforgettable impressions! So, it's up to you. Well be happy to work and communicate with you. We hope that our cooperation will be great and profitable. Well be grateful for your answer. V. Manko, Manger of the researching company "Osiris", the expert in the epoch of paleolithic-neolithic. S. Telegenko, the expert in thefield of bronze. V. Vetrov, manager of the technical department of the researching company Osiris, the expert in the final paleolithic. V. Vetrov *** Conservation DistList Instance 10:90 Distributed: Tuesday, April 22, 1997 Message Id: cdl-10-90-027 ***Received on Tuesday, 22 April, 1997