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Subject: Publication on Roman wall painting

Publication on Roman wall painting

From: Haallah Bearat <Hamdallah.Bearat<-a>
Date: Thursday, April 10, 1997
The proceedings of the International Workshop on Roman Wall Painting
held in Fribourg, Switzerland 7-9 March 1996 appears in few days.
The book is entitled: "Roman Wall Painting: Materials, Techniques,
Analysis and Conservation" with the following ISBN number:
2-9700132-0-7; it is edited by H. Baarat, M. Fuchs, M. Maggetti, D.
Paunier. It is hardcover, with 378 pages, 18 colour plates and it
includes 27 papers as well as the final discussion.Its price is
US$50.0) (postage and handing charges included).Below you find the
contents of the book and an order form.

Part I- Materials: pigments and dyestuffs

    Quelle est la gamme exacte des pigments romains? Confrontation
    des resultats d'analyse avec les textes de Vitruve et de Pline
        Hamdallah Bearat

    Diverses utilisations des pigments et leurs contenants
        Alix Barbet, Michel Fuchs, Marie Tuffreau-Libre

    Pigments and fresco fragments from Herod's palace at Jericho
        Sylvia Rozenberg

    Comparison of the painting materials used for wall painting in
    four sites of the Roman province Pannonia
        Marta Jaro

    Composition of pigments from the Hellenistic walls in Acre
        Irina Segal, Naomy Porat

    Fragments of Roman wall painting in the J. Paul Getty Museum: a
    preliminary technical investigation
        Arie Wallert, Maya Elston

    Contribution to studies on Roman wall painting materials and
    techniques in Greece: Corinth, the southeast building
        Vito Meggiolaro, Gian Mario Molin, Umberto Pappalardo, Pier
        Paolo Vergerio

Part II - Paint preparation and application techniques

    Materials and making techniques of Roman Republican wall
    paintings (Capitolium, Brescia, Italy)
        Roberto Bugini, Luisa Folli

    Roman wall paintings in Cyprus: a scientific investigation of
    their technology
        Ioanna Kakoulli

    Experiments on reconstruction of the Roman wall painting
        Klaus Hafner

    Les villae gallo-romaines d'Orbe-Bosceaz et d'Yvonand-Mordagne:
    observations sur les techniques de  reparation et de realisation
    des parois peintes
        Yves Dubois

    Quelques particularites techniques des fresques romaines de
    Vandoeuvres dans le canton de Geneve
        Evelyne Ramjoue

    Analyses physico-chimiques et peintures murales romaines a
    Avenches, Bosingen, Dietikon et Vallon
        Michel Fuchs, Hamdallah Bearat

    Peinture chretienne d'Egypte: techniques
        Marguerite Rassart-Debergh

    Pittori romani al lavoro. Materiali, strumenti, tecniche:
    evidenze archeologiche e dati analitici di un recente scavo
    pompeiano lungo via dell'Abbondanza (Reg. IX ins. 12)
        Antonio Varone, Hamdallah Bearat

    Bemerkungen zur Maltechnik von Wandmalereien des Zweiten Stils
    in Pompeji und Rom
        Ernst Heinrich

    Analysis and recognition of dolomitic lime mortars
        Christine Blauer-Bohm, Elisabeth Jagers

Part III - Methods of analysis

    Contribution of Mossbauer spectroscopy to the study of ancient
    pigments and paintings
        Hamdallah Bearat, Trinitat Pradell

    Apport de la spectrometrie Raman a la caracterisation de
    peintures murales
        Alix Barbet, Claude Coupry, Alain Lautie

    Les pigments verts en peinture murale romaine: bilan analytique
        Hamdallah Bearat

Part IV- Paint alteration and conservation

    Untersuchung, Konservierung und Reapplikation eines Wandmalerei-
        Alexandra Stajkoski

    The conservation and scientific investigations of the wall
    paintings in the Roman thermes, Campo Valdes, Gijon, Spain
        Maria Antonia Moreno, Maria Pilar De Luxan, Fernando Dorrego

    Restoration and scientific examination of large scale Roman
    frescoes from Brigetio
        Istvan Bona Jr.

    Untersuchung der Putztrager und Malereien in der "Casa delle
    Nozze d'argento" in Pompeji und Prasentation der Ergebnisse aus
    der Sicht des Restaurators und des Archaologen
        Reinhard Meyer-Graft, Wolfgang Ehrhardt

    Deckschichte der Wanddekoration des Ersten Stils aus Knidos:
    Analyse und Restaurierung
        Orhan Bingol, Peter Pracher, Isik Bingol, Britta Pracher

    Stratigraphische und chemische Analyse der Muster von
    Wandmalereien der Scythia Minor
        Constantin Chera

    Ein Fundkomplex romischer Wandmalerei aus Xanten: Konservierung
    und Prasentation in einem reversiblen Trager
        Karen Keller, Charlotte Schreiter

Final discussion

Order Form:
Full name
Zip code
Please send me___ Copy(ies) at US$50 each
Total                          US$___

Return order to : Institute of Mineralogy & Petrography, Fribourg
University, Perolles, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland. Payment with
bank transfert directly to : Cantonal Bank of Fribourg, Boulevard de
Perolles 1, CH-1701 Fribourg, Switzerland; Account No. : (18*50/412
658-09 Institut de Mineralogie).

Hamdallah Bearat, PhD, DEA, B.Sc.
Senior Research Scientist & Lecturer
Institute of Mineralogy & Petrography
Fribourg University, Perolles
1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
+41 26 300 89 31
Fax. +41 26 300 97 65

                  Conservation DistList Instance 10:88
                 Distributed: Thursday, April 10, 1997
                       Message Id: cdl-10-88-023
Received on Thursday, 10 April, 1997

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