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The Gilded Page

Dear Bay Area Preservation Network Members,

For Book Art enthusiasts, Oak Knoll Press, a scholarly publisher, has 
recently published -

                                                  "THE GILDED PAGE
                          The History & Technique of Manuscript Gilding"

               by Kathleen P. Whitley with an introduction by Michelle Brown

Gold has been used to decorate and adorn objects since ancient times. For 
centuries, artists and illuminators have applied this precious metal to 
paper. Finally, there is a book which explains in detail the historical and 
modern techniques of manuscript gilding. Furthermore, learn about the 
tools, methods, and materials employed in flat, raised, and patterned 
gilding for manuscripts and paintings.

This is a well-researched and illustrated work providing step-by-step 
techniques of applying and burnishing gold in a sensible and 
easy-to-understand way. Using dozens of rare illustrations from The British 
Library, the British Museum and other institutions, along with her own 
photographs and drawings, Whitley has created an excellent and practical 
guide to manuscript gilding.

An author and professional manuscript restorer, Whitley has practiced and 
taught this ancient art for over twenty years. She writes with authority 
and a great deal of personal insight about this demanding skill. Whitley 
has received national recognition for her research into the materials and 
techniques of medieval illumination. Art historians, book restorers, and 
those with an appreciation of this ancient craft will notably enjoy this 
book. Co-published with The British Library.

May 2000, hardcover, 6 x 9 inches, 236 pages, illustrated
ISBN: 1-884718-58-2 / Order No. 58342-EM / Price $39.95
Sales rights: Worldwide except in UK. Available in UK from The British Library

Visit our web site to view the book cover, read further information on this 
work, and to order the book at http://www.oakknoll.com/pressrel/gilded.html.

Michael Guessford
Publicity & Marketing Director
Oak Knoll Books (ABAA and ILAB) / Oak Knoll Press / St. Paul's Bibliographies
310 Delaware Street / New Castle DE 19720
Phone (302) 328-7232 / Toll-free 1-800-996-2556 / Fax (302) 328-7274
Email: oakknoll@oakknoll.com / Web: http://www.oakknoll.com

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