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Subject: draft Guidelines for comment


Date:    Thu, 17 Sep 1998 14:18:19 +1200
From:    Janet Knight <porks1@RECORDS.NSW.GOV.AU>
Subject: draft Guidelines for comment
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Our reference: 98/0388 and 98/0476

To: recmgmt@listserv.syr.edu

Dear Listservers

The Archives Authority of New South Wales, Australia, is developing
guidelines on disaster management for records and on managing
messages as records. Exposure drafts of both guidelines  are available
the Authority's web site. If anyone wishes to submit comments on the
drafts, please see the details below.

The draft Guidelines on disaster management for records can be found
on the
Authority's web site at
<http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/rk/guidelines/disaster/DisasterTOC.htm>. The
Archives Authority is developing these Guidelines to assist New South
public offices in meeting Part 2, Clause 11, of the State Records Act
which states that 'each public office must ensure the safe custody and
proper preservation of the State records that it has control of.' The
Guidelines examine the four phases of disaster management, prevention,
preparedness, reaction and recovery and provide practical guidance to
public offices in the establishment of a disaster management program.
Comments on the draft Guidelines on disaster management for records
be directed to Janet Knight on (02) 9237 0123 or e-mail:
porks1@records.nsw.gov.au or can be sent to the postal address
below by
Friday 9 October.
The draft guidelines on managing electronic messages as records, titled
Managing the message, are available on the Archives Authority Web site
http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/erk/erktoc.htm under the heading
The Authority is developing these Guidelines to provide assistance to
South Wales public offices implementing the whole of government policy
Electronic messages as records, which was recently issued under
Memorandum No. 98 - 16.
Managing the message has been on the web site for the past month. The
deadline for comment is now extended to 25 September. Comments
should be
directed to Tony Leviston on (02) 9237 0107 or e-mail:
w.gov.au or can be sent to the postal address below.
Please note that all references in the Guidelines to the Archives Authority
of New South Wales and to definitions and requirements of the Archives
1960 will be changed when the State Records Act 1998 is proclaimed.


Janet Knight
Project Officer
Recordkeeping Standards
Archives Authority of New South Wales

Our contact details:
World Wide Web: http://www.records.nsw.gov.au
Postal address: Level 3, 66 Harrington Street, The Rocks
Phone: (02) 9237 0120  Fax: (02) 9237 0119
International: Phone: +61 2 9237 0120  Fax: +61 2 9237 0119
Electronic messages are records in law and in logic. They are treated as
'documents' as defined in s. 6(1) of the Freedom of Information Act, 1989

End of message
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