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BAPNet items

Greetings.  Here are some miscellaneous points:

1.  We need someone to operate the video camera and to take some stills
at the San Jose Fire Demo on Oct. 5.  If you know of anyone, please call
Leslie Masunaga at (408) 277-4017.

2.  There is a proposal to hold a BAPNet general meeting in November to
elect officers and ratify the bylaws.  We need comment and suggestions
regarding the proposal as to date, time and place, format, etc.  Please
email or call me at the number listed below.  We also need a nominating
committee of two, so if you can serve in this capacity, please advise.

3.   We need a person to coordinate content and updates for the
website, so if you can take this responsibility on call me at the number
listed below.

4.   The National Archives and Records Administration is in the process
of obligating funds for purchase of a twenty-foot ocean going cargo
container.  This will be our first disaster supplies stockpile site!  We need
volunteers for the disaster committee to come up with a plan, lists,
prices, and suppliers to acquire disaster supplies for the site.  Please call
Kathy Orlenko at (415) 987-9018 or email at 

5.  Outreach: we are pursuing new contacts in the Greater Bay Area
Library Council and the Governor's Office of Emergency Services.  We
hope to draw on their expertise and contacts to assist in building our
disaster mutual aid network.  If you have additional input, either on these
groups or other groups we should be talking to, please contact me.

6.  The Library Services and Construction Act expires on September 30,
1996.  Its (hoped for) replacement, the Library Services and Technology
Act (still a bill) is before Congress, currently attached to the probably
doomed Careers Bill.  There is an effort to separtate the LST bill out so
that it can enacted into law.   We will try to keep you posted.

Richard Boyden, Chair
Bay Area Preservation Network
(415) 876-9084
FAX 876-0920

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