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Re: San Jose fire program -Reply

Hi Lynn: yes, based on our response, which was about evenly divided,
and the fact that I've changed my mind (and vote) I think this is what we
are going to do.  I put another message on the list to that effect. See you


>>> Lynn Jones <ljones@library.berkeley.edu> 06/03/96 01:51pm >>>
I think we should routinely charge entrance fees to non-members for 
programs.  It's not prudent to run the bank balance into the ground,  since
there will be ongoing expenses associated with running programs, as 
our recent experience shows.

In my opinion we should charge everyone for lunch (estimating a 
reasonable price!) and charge non-members $10, which could count as
dues  if they wish to join.


On Mon, 27 May 1996, Richard Boyden wrote:

> Greetings:  BAPpers will recall that Leslie Masunaga of SJ Historical
> Musem and Capt. George Bradford of the SJ Fire Department have
> proposed a BAPNet sponsored fire demonstration for this year.  We
> in San Jose on 5/20 to start the planning process so that we would
> something to announce at the June 7 symposium.
>  > You may recall that the George's idea was to set up a range of
> fill it with records and books, and set them on fire, watch them burn for
> specified period, and then put out the fire.  This will give people a first
> hand look at what fire does and how quickly and intensely it does it.
>  > We set a date, Saturday, Oct. 5, 9:00-3:30, with additional
> or demonstrations on sprinkler systems, mitigation, arson, and a
> presentation on fire mutual aid in California.  The place will be the San
> Jose Fire Department's training center.
>  > The concensus was that there should be no charge for admission
> than that for a box lunch.
>  > However, at least one other BAPNet person feels that we should
> for this event.  So this is a request to the list for comment on the
> following three alternatives suggested by this discussion.  This is also
> call for a poll of members of the Executive Committee:
>  > 1.  There be no charge for this event other than that for a box lunch
>  > 2.  That we charge $15 for BAPNet members and $25 for
>  > 3.  That the event be free for BAPNet members and $10 for
> non-members, this fee to go towards BAPNet dues.
>  > Motivation:  I  feel that the committee working on this project should
> supported by us adopting its orginal plan of making this a no-fee event. 
> The June 7 symposium will raise substantial funds that will allow
> to be self-supporting for probably a year or more.  Charging for events
> good and necessary on an occasional basis, but imposes a substantial
> work burden on those responsible for receiving and depositing the
> money, and keeping track of who paid.
>  > Thanks for your time
>  > Richard Boyden (415) 876-9084
>  >
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