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Minutes: 2/8/96 -Reply -Reply

Julie, in reply to your message, my recollection was that we would stop
at 4:00 if we were in a venue incovenient to BART, but that we would
extend the hours if we got the Oakland Federal BUilding, which is two
blocks from the BART hub at 12th Street.  Right now, we are going to run
to about 4:30 with a 30 minute cushion, since we must absolutely be out
of the space at 5:00.  As of now, we have eight speakers including Bob
Westby.  Bob is not really a keynote speaker or a panelist.  He is going to
give the background narrative with slides, but I imagine that we'll ask him
to be on both panels, even though he isn't presenting in the afternoon. 

>>> Julia O'Keefe  Julia W. <JOKeefe@mailer.scu.edu> 03/04/96
12:50pm >>>
Correction to minutes:  My recollection was that symposium  hours were
agreed on as 9am - 4 p.m.    And that program was esentially 2 panels of
3-4 speakers each.  Or is Bob Westby in am becoming more like a
keynote speaker?

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