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Minutes: 2/8/96


Location:  Santa Clara University


Richard Boyden, National Archives  & Records Administration
Janice Braun, Mills College
Lynn Jones, UC Berkeley
Marilyn McDonald, Foothill-DeAnza Community College District
Karen Mokrzycki, UC Santa Cruz
Julia O�Keefe, Santa Clara University
Helene Whitson, SFSU

The meeting was called to order by RB.

The majority of the meeting was devoted to planning the Contra Costa
Fire Symposium that will take place on June 7, 1996.  An outline
entitled �Courthouse Fire symposium draft agenda� was distributed and
discussed at length.  It was decided that the Symposium will be from 9
a.m.-5 p.m. at the Oakland Federal Building.

The Symposium will consist of four speakers in the morning and four
speakers in the afternoon, with a panel discussion after each group of
speakers.  Vendors will be invited to exhibit.  

Tentative schedule/speakers, subject to change:

Introduction:  Bob Westby (Georgia State Archives)
Panel:  Ronny Coleman (California State Fire Marshal) on fire prevention
and security; Charles Sabah (Consultant and member of National Fire
Protection) on risk management and facilities; and someone (TBA) on
archives and records security.

Panel:  someone (TBA) on handling water-soaked materials; someone (TBA)
on risk management and information resources; and Richard Boyden on a
mutual assistance agreement.

There will be a showing of slides taken during the visit of BAPNET
members to Contra Costa.  It was also suggested that a video produced by
Document Reprocessors on mixed format packout be shown. RB will view the
video to determine if this is appropriate.

JB reported on Ren�e Jadushlever�s progress on vendor discounts for
cooperative purchase of supplies.  Reactions were mixed--large
institutions already have adequate discounts; smaller institutions may
have more interest in such a plan.

RB and MM are going to meet with Barbara Will on Feb. 29 to discuss
funding for the Mutual Aid Agreement.  RB reported that the Navy is
trying to locate some containers for supplies.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 7, 1996, 10-12, at the Oakland
Federal Building.

Janice Braun, 2/29/96
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