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RE: [AV Media Matters] Life Expectancy of DVCam tape

In a message dated 11/14/2003 9:53:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, scott_turner@wgbh.org writes:
Has anyone conducted accelerated time studies on life expectancy of
DVCam tape?  Would appreciate any other feedback on projected l.e. of
DVCam tape.

Scott Turner
WGBH Archives
Boston, MA
Hi Scott
DVCAM tape I believe is a metal evaporated (ME) media product. Back in 1994, van Bogart of NML did an accelerated life expectancy study and published a color-coded chart of recommended (green) to not-recommended (red) storage products. We have the Chart on our website- www.arkival.com and I believe ME was given a red-rating by NML.
We did a more contemporary environmental study for NARA in 2002 on data tapes. We reported life expectancy numbers for various type data tapes but ME tapes were not in the data tape study. We are doing some new work on ME data tapes but our study is still too early in time to report results.
If you're interested in seeing the technology used in a modern day life expectancy study you could try to obtain a copy of the NARA study report- but again, that work did not include ME product.
Ron Weiss
ARkival Technology
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