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Re: [AV Media Matters] Digitizing Audio and Video-ReallyBigPost

At 10:13 AM 6/3/2003 -0700, I wrote, referring to the concept of the managed archive:

I know Jim L. is out there promoting the heck out of it and I wish
luck. There will be some/many users who will buy into it, but there
three issues that impede the adoption of the managed archive:

(1) Capital cost
(2) Operating cost
(3) Ownership/responsibility issues (inter-department issues)

Jim Lindner wrote as Moderators Comment: I am not sure what exactly is meant by "promoting the heck out of it"
I will ignore the comment although I do find it somewhat offensive.
I do believe that a properly managed archive is the key to

Jim, no offense was meant -- you are one of the world's major players advocating the managed archive and I understand all of the benefits of

To be clear, when we're talking about a managed archive, we're talking about a mostly on-line resource where there is migration of media on a regular basis and active checking of the media for incipient errors on a

regular (and often ongoing) basis.

We all need to think about what can be done for smaller archives. Their material is perhaps no less valuable than the large archives, but their budgets and cultures are impediments to implementing these techniques.

One of the things I say about managed archives is that they are not tolerant to budget interruptions. Many archives have budget
interruptions. It's one thing to keep the air conditioning on in a warehouse, it's
another thing to continually (continuously?) justify the requirements for an IT

I hope that clarifies what I meant and please, don't take offense at my describing what I see you doing. You're a great advocate for this
process and you've got lots of us thinking about it. Some of us are even
helping build one or more of these.



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