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Re: [AV Media Matters] Digitizing Audio and Video-ReallyBigPost

At 06:19 PM 6/2/2003 -0400, Jim Wheeler wrote:

Be careful with information from someone who is speaking out of their
field.  There are many "old wives tales" that keep getting repeated.

Yes, not to mention the FUD that some parties spread around (Fear Uncertainty & Doubt)

Computer tapes do not use redundant recording because that would double
the amount of data to be recorded.  Instead, error correction is used.


  DataTapes use sophisticated error correction because they
MUST preserve the data of banks, insurance companies, etc.

Yes, but a KEY THING that must be gotten across to archives. TWO COPIES
of everything and preferably at TWO SITES! The link between the two sites
can be physical or optical.



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