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Re: [AV Media Matters] Digitizing Audio and Video-Really BigPost

Joe Salerno
Video Works! Is it working for you?
PO Box 273405 - Houston TX 77277-3405
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Meislik" <miriam@pitt.edu>

> What are your personal opinions on the whole 16/44.1 through 24/96
> issue?

For cassette and micro cassette I don't see any advantage going over

> How much audio, in minutes, do you feel is reasonable for a website

Sounds like a question, for both audio and video, that should best be
answered by content. How much do you need? Who are you trying to reach
what info do you need to impart to them?

Form follows function..........if the backing is there.

> For video:
> In terms of formats, we have concerns about both file formats and
> formats:
> What do you think about file formats for the master (DV vs other), for
> high-quality user copies (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, etc)?

If streaming, I would say MPEG-4, or Quicktime (runs on both Win and
If it is to be accessed via dial-up, that is a limitation you will need
work with. I assume it content driven.

> With media formats, would you feel comfortable with CD/DVD or would
> want to have a master backup on tape.  How about hard drives?

I would probably say Beta-SP or digi-Beta for archival copies, CD/DVD
work copies. I am not crazy about the idea of helical scan tape for
archival, but the options are fewer with video than audio.

I don't see HDDs as being reliable enough for archival. Optimally,
copies/formats if this stuff is really that important to your mission.

I also would not toss the originals, just in case some new technology is
invented that makes a large improvement in reclaiming the content
That may be pie in the sky.

> How much video on a site do you think is reasonable to serve?

see previous comment re: content

> What are the pros/cons of streaming video vs. a downloadable file with
> regards to quality?

Sounds like a bandwidth issue to me, and a hardware question.

> We want to have both the audio and the video served as nicely as
> possible. I will have to say that we are leaning toward streaming
> and video at this point.

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