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Re: [AV Media Matters] Akai Terecorder

Hi, Elinor,

In reading your message I have some concerns. One major concern is was
this machine demagnetized, cleaned, and aligned before playing your tapes? If

the machine is magnetized, it might even damage your tapes.

A second concern is that while this is a good machine, I'm wondering if there might be better transfers possible using other equipment.
Hopefully, this will be the last time you'll need to play these tapes (although I wouldn't throw them out).

A third concern is that if you need a manual to operate this machine, perhaps the best answer is to find someone who doesn't need the manual.
I am sure there are many things about archival practice and library
science that you know that we geeks don't know--so it's really a matter of experience and specialization. It's a pretty straightforward machine to operate. The corollary to this is that there might be enough variables
in the format of the original tapes that no manual will help you
with--you'll need first to determine the format of the tapes before selecting the
final setting of the head position knob on the head cover.

These are all the things that I and many others who do tape transfers either on a part-time or full-time basis worry about. There used to be
A-V geeks around universities that understood this stuff like the back of
their hand (I was one of them <smile>). I'm afraid all the younger geeks have been seduced by computers...maybe even a few of the older ones, too!

While I hate to be mercenary in offering to do these transfers, if you
only have a few, and if they're important, it might be the best way to go.

I have a whole bunch of tips and information that might prove useful--as

well as a variety of resources to contact in addition to my work. Please

check out http://www.richardhess.com/tape/

Also, if you have any specific operational questions, I might be able to

help via email or on the phone.



Moderators Comment:
While "spring cleaning" I came across this submission which had not
posted by mistake. Apologies to Richard and the list - not sure how it

Also for those interested in the move from Topica to Stanford - Walter
Henry is now re-examining some aspects of the move from a technical
point of view. I believe that the move will occur - it may take a little
time though.


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