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RE: [AV Media Matters] High Speed CD-R

> I can only guess at the meaning of "consistent degradation." Bad media
> is bad at all speeds, while good media is good up to its rated speed.
> Bad results at high speed are usually traceable to the writer. Use of
> media at higher than its rated speeds can cause severe problems.
> However, this should be prevented by encoding maximum speed 
> in the disc
> and reading of this information by the writer. All media and drive
> manufacturers do not do this, unfortunately.

I will try to clarify my question.  What I am asking is, when  using good media ( i.e. from a reputable manufacturer of high quality blank media) on a good writer, ( again, from a reputable manufacturer, Plextor, for example) is there a greater chance for higher error rates at low writing speeds as compared to higher writing speeds.  I am not interested in the absolute extremes, i.e. 1X vs. 48X but rather 2X or 4X
vs. 16X or 24 X.  I ask this question because my supplier of blank media
has suggested that the newer dye formulations have been tweaked so much
for high speed performance that performance at lower writing speeds will
suffer.  He also suggests that older burners made not be able to cope with the newer high speed discs.  I have a number of older drives that are still working fine as far as I can tell.  My oldest have a maximum writing speed of 4X.  My newest drives have a maximum writing speed of 8X.  What I am trying to determine is if I need to upgrade all my  drives to higher writing speeds because the older ones will no longer be
compatible with the new high speed media.  What I am asking is somewhat
different from your more global approach where you consider all burners
( good and bad) and the full range of disc made by all manufacturers ( good and bad).
> If you are recording at 
> 16X or below,
> you may wish to use 74 minute media rated for lower speeds, possibly
> with normal thickness dye layers. I have been informed that Mitsui is
> offering such media, and has guaranteed long-term availability. Other
> suppliers may do this as well, but who wants 74 min. today now that we
> have 99 minute discs <snicker>.

Easier said than done.  It is very hard to find decent 74 minute media.
these days. I buy most of my discs in bulk and use Taiyo Yuden exclusively.  Taiyo Yuden is no longer making 74 minute media.   I occasionally see name brand 74 minute media for sale but usually they are made by an OEM manufacture in Korea or Taiwan and I suspect their quality.  And how could I ever determine the thickness of the dye layer.?  And who is to say these discs use any different dye formulation
at all?

Charles Repka   

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