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[AV Media Matters] ARSC Conference call for papers

Association for Recorded Sound Collections
2003 Annual Conference
Philadelphia, PA
May 28-31, 2003

Call for Papers

ARSC invites submissions of program proposals for the annual
conference in Philadelphia, PA, May 28-31, 2003. Please use the
format below to propose sessions that you think would be of interest
to our community of collectors, historians, musicians,
preservationists, and archivists.

Presentations which focus on Philadelphia-area recorded sound
activities are especially encouraged. These might include talks on
recording in Philadelphia and environs, such as the 1970s
"Philadelphia Sound"; the Philadelphia Orchestra; popular music by
South Philadelphians; or the Victor Talking Machine Company in
Camden, NJ.

The 2002 Santa Barbara conference included two evenings of
after-dinner music presentations which proved to be very popular. If
an adequate space in Philadelphia can be identified, we would like
to do this once again in 2003. Proposals are welcome for evening
recorded music lecture/listening sessions.

Send proposals to:
Samuel Brylawski
ARSC 2nd Vice President
523 10th Street, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003-2807



Proposed by ___________________________________________________

Institution (if applicable) _________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________

City __________________________________________________________

State/Province/Country ___________________________________________

Zip/Postal Code ________________

Phone __________________________________

Fax ____________________________________

E-mail __________________________________

Session type: ____ Single Presenter ____ Seminar/Roundtable ______
After-dinner talk_______

Time requested* _________ Is this negotiable? _________
*In order to allow as many presentations as possible is it hoped that
talks do not exceed 45 minutes in length.

Session title ________________________________________________

Description of proposal (up to 250 words)

Audiovisual requirements ___________________________________________

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