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Re: [AV Media Matters] Studio Design

Hey guys
I am an 18 year old novice in the audio world. I am from South Africa,
I am currently busy with the first year of my electronical engineering 
course at the University of Stellenbosch.
I am extremely interested in the science of sound and the design of
studios (acoustical treatment, etc.), as well as the design of audio 
equipment (amplifiers/loudspeakers). The problem is that very few people

in South Africa know anything about the field, and therefore the advice
what to do to become an audio engineer is scarce.
I thought that maybe you guys could give me some advice?
Lets just start off by asking what types of job oppurtunities currently 
exist in the field, and do you guys think that I am studying the right 
course keeping in mind that there are currently no specialised sound 
courses available?
Thank you.
Henno Gous,
South Africa

Dear Henno:

One place to start would be the Audio Engineering Society:


Or the Acoustical Society of America:


There are also publications that specialize in professional audio, and 
it's applications in film. Here are other links:






John P. Pytlak
Senior Technical Specialist
Worldwide Technical Services
Entertainment Imaging
Research Labs, Building 69, Room 7525A
Eastman Kodak Company
Rochester, New York 14650-1922  USA
Telephone: +1 585 477 5325
Cell: +1 585 781 4036
Fax: +1 585 722 7243
e-mail: john.pytlak@kodak.com
website: http://www.kodak.com/go/motion

Henno Gous <hennog@xsinet.co.za>
05/27/2002 10:06 AM
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        Subject:        [AV Media Matters] Studio Design

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