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Re: [AV Media Matters]


DVD-R general media is not an inferior consumer media.  With DVD-R Media, as
with CD-R media, there is not rely a consumer or professional media but
higher or lesser quality media.  DVD-R general media is not
a consumer quality media it is media deigned to work with a 650nm laser.
If you stick to quality DVD-R manufactures such as Pioneer, Verbatim, Mitsui

or Taiyo Yuden you should not have to worry about media integrity.
The price difference between the DVD-R Authoring and General media has more
to do with marketing and demand than with manufacturing or quality.
Copy protection for DVD-Video is added during the authoring and replicating
process.  Typically CSS copy write protection is added during the authoring
process and the actual licensed codes are added during replication.

Jim Speich

Ted Chapple wrote:

>Thanks for your input regards Apple's Superdrive.  My understanding is
>that DVD-R general doesn't deal with encryption at all so if you are
>just archiving your own videos there are no encryption issues.  I take
>it that also means that if you wanted to copyprotect your videoes
>against unauthorized reproduction you can't do that using Apple's
>Superdrive and DVD-R general media.
>Reading the recent posts regarding DVD-R authoring and DVD-R general
>still leaves me confused.  My question for which there is probably no
>good answer is this.  Does it make sense to archive onto DVD-R general
>or is DVD-R general an inferior consumer media that is too unproven to
>take a risk on even though cost wise it is very appealing?  I would like
>to hear from anyone that is doing this or considering doing it.
>Ted Chapple

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