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Re: RE: RE: [AV Media Matters] F1 format PCM tape deterioration

Thanks so much. will follow through and report ! I would be
interested to know how many on this list have collections of PCM
tapes made using the Sony F1.

>I happen to know someone who has designed and made a SPDIF output adapter
>for the Sony F1 and 501 and 701 PCM devices ( the Sony 601 has an SPDIF
>output.  I recently installed this kit into my 501.  The installation is
>relative simple and works well.  The adapter put in the proper flags
>including preemphasis if it was on the original recording. (The 501 recorded
>with pre emphasis always on the 70 1 with pre emphasis always off).  With a
>SPDIF output and the tapes played back on the original decks it should be a
>relatively trivial task to trans fer the recordings to DAT or some other
>digital format.  But be advised,  if the tapes are first transferred to a
>DAW for editing before transfer to it's final format, all flags will be lost
>and the pre emphasis will have to be re inserted as necessary for proper
>playback.  This digital output also tends to mute before the analog outputs
>so the signal should be monitored carefully during the transfer process.
>If you are interested in getting an adapter card, contact Paul Phippen at
>Charles Repka

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