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[AV Media Matters] Who gets the cash?

Those of you who have been on the list for a while may remeber that in
exchange for those annoying advertising banners - Topica actually pays
the list owner a small sum of money. I had offered to match that - and
Richard Symons of Protape in the UK also agreed (yay Richard). Since I
hope you are in the spirit of the season - now is the time to offer your
pledge as well. At the moment Topica owes us $69. I think that this may
go up a dollar or two before the end of the year - but this is the
amount now. With Richard and my pledge that amount grows to $207 - and
the idea here was to give it to a non-profit organization that cares
about.... you guessed it ..... A/V Media Matters. There were many
suggestions of organizations - but we really need more participation
here before we give the checks to the organization.

If you feel you benefitted from this list and can afford it - how about
joining the match? We also need an organization to give it to - I am
open to EASY ways to picking it.


Jim Lindner - President
VidiPax - The Magnetic Media and Information Migration Full Services
Telephone 212-563-1999
Moderator of A/V Media Matters@topica.com

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