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[AV Media Matters] Unsubscribing

As it seems to be of general interest, here's a short explanation how to
cancel your subscription (from topica.com's help pages):

 Unsubscribing from a List From your Email Client

 If the list is hosted by Topica (the email address ends with
 Topica.com) Send a blank message to:
 listname-unsubscribe@topica.com (substituting "list name" for the
 name of the list such as topicatips-unsubscribe@topica.com. Do not
 enter any text in the subject line or body of the message. If the list
 not hosted by Topica, you will need top login to your account and
 unsubscribe using the Topica interface.


U. Sieveking

sahl computer AG
Bauernfeld 4
D-86165 Augsburg
e-mail: sieveking@sahl.de
Telephon: +49-821-72044-0
Fax: +49-821-721548

Windows XXXX isn't a virus, viruses DO something.

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