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Re: [AV Media Matters] Print-through

At 14:41 08/06/00 -0700, Jim Wheeler  wrote:
>He found that a couple of high-speed passes through a tape
>recorder would
>greatly reduce the print-through.

Perhaps I should have mentioned that as well.  I just assumed that it was
common knowledge that spooling a tape would reduce the print-through.

It's one reason why master should be stored tail-out - it forces a
re-spool before use  :-).  Another reason for keeping tapes t/o is
that any print-through which does occur should be masked by the much
higher level on the adjacent turn (ie, you do not have recorded
material adjacent to blank tape).

Mind you I quite liked the idea oof droppinng it on a concrete floor
first :-)

Graeme Jaye

Affordable Audio Restoration & CD Repair

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