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Re: [AV Media Matters] Tape to Film

Jim Lindner wrote:
>I think that I have to seriously question whether film is the
>way to preserve video. This is a very old arguement and I sort
>of thought it had been put to rest, but the answer is that video
>is video and film is film - they are very different media types
>in virtually EVERY way.

Considering this and your other astute statements, we should also
reaffirm that video is not the way to preserve film.  Unfortunately,
in the case of the Museum of Television and Radio, they refuse to
preserve films of filmed programs or kinescopes as films, only as
video transfers.  To make matters worse, if there is to be a group
showing, they take the video transfer of the film and project it in
an auditorium on a video projector instead of having the original
film or a dupe to project.

Mike Biel  m.biel@morehead-st.edu

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