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RE: [AV Media Matters] For the Record... a Clarification - a mea culpa - a note

Evidentially an email that I sent on this subject was not clear - the
intent of the email was NOT to denigrate any individuals contribution to
the NBC News Archive duplication project in New Jersey - rather it was
to mention some of the other people involved.  Clearly - VidiPax was
involved in the planning process of this specific project - but that is
NOT to say that Sid Friedman's contribution was not large.  After the
planning work that we did - VidiPax did not have any ongoing involvement
with this particular project. The project manager was Sid, and he was
indeed responsible for the day to day management of the project. In
addition - there are often changes between an initial plan and was
actually happens in the real world when the project begins. Sid tells me
that there were many changes from the initial plan - and I am positive
that this was the case. So a mea culpa is in order - and you have one!
To be fair - I have given Sid a chance to read this email in ADVANCE of
posting so that he could read it and comment if he wished. He had no
changes but he did ask me to mention that he no longer is associated
with NBC and has his facility in Englewood N.J. - Onward....

Another comment was made (not to me directly) that I control comments
(postings) to the listserve, and that I did so in this case.  This is
absolutely not true. I did receive one personal email from George
McBride (I believe that it was personal and not a post) and no others.

The rules of the list are very clear and available to all and are given
to all when you join the list.  I have in the past refused VERY few
postings - usually the reason for refusal is that they were SPAM or
commercial messages (or messages that did not look like commercial
messages but were commercial messages). I cannot think of a single reply
that has not been posted - again unless it was off topic or if the same
thing had just been said. In fact - I strongly encourage replies - that
is what makes the list fun and a great resource for all! If for any
reason a posting you send to me does not show up on the list - please

You will NEVER get a "rejection" from me blind - if I have a problem I
will always write back and tell you that I am not posting and the reason
why.  Several of you have experienced this directly.  So I do NOT abuse
the privilege of moderator - I take it very seriously - but sometimes it
is difficult to walk the line between keeping things on topic and
thereby conserving the members valuable time and allowing a wide variety
of off topic things that cause a list to degenerate.  Unfortunately I
have seen several lists degenerate in this fashion.  SO - if you send a
posting and you do NOT see it and you do not hear from me by email -
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE  send me an email to my personal account at
jim@vidipax.com WITH a copy and I will post it myself.  Sometimes Topica
does have problems.  Note  - however - that unless you are a member you
CANNOT post to the list, so if you tried to do this - you will of course
be rejected by the listserve itself - ONLY MEMBERS CAN POST.


Jim Lindner - President
VidiPax - The Magnetic Media and Information Migration Full Services
Telephone 212-563-1999
Moderator of A/V Media Matters@topica.com

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