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Re: [AV Media Matters] exercise / film to tape transfers 8mm

Who has a Rank for 8MM transfer work?

Joe Salerno-A Battery is Always on Charge!
Video Production & Post Production
PO Box 273405
Houston TX 77277-3405
Fax: 603-415-7616
> We have a Rank-Cintel do it and Rank has a
> special gate for 8mm and super8mm that we rent occassionally for this
> purpose - (we would buy a gate but at $20k we do not have enough 8mm
> work to justify it). The quality reproduction is very good, and it
> handles the film with a capstan quite well. The machines are very very
> expensive and a maintennance nightmare - but the picture quality and
> film handling are superb - even from 8mm. I once managed a facility that
> used an Elmo for 8mm transfers - they were always grainy, blocky,
> contrasty, and mediocre quality as compared to the Rank - and that pull
> down and sprocket drive is definately not film friendly. Just a word of
> warning.
> jim

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