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Re: [ARSCLIST] October 2009 symposium on African-American music

From: Tim Brooks <Tbroo@xxxxxxx>
> . . . some of you might be interested in this symposium being
> put together by David Suisman of the University of Delaware,
> author of the recent book "Selling Sounds," about the early
> music industry.  He's asked me to be on a panel.

Gee, I'm glad to discover that he knows you exist beyond your Columbia
discography, because although his chapter on Black Swan is greatly
changed from his earlier article that came out before your book, his
book still does not acknowledge your book or your findings.  I attended
his book reading and signing 2 weeks ago in NYC B&N.  I think he could
also benefit greatly from Rainer Lotz's ARSC presentation and book. 
Maybe I should ask Rainer if he would allow me to get Suisman a copy of
the video of his talk.  

I think I will try to get to this symposium.  One of the reasons I
retired was so I could freely attend things like this!!

Mike Biel  mbiel@xxxxxxxxx

Sound: Print: Record: African American Legacies Symposium

University of Delaware, Newark, DE

Roselle Center for the Performing Arts, Oct. 1-2, 2009.

Sound: Print: Record: African American Legacies is an
interdisciplinary symposium exploring how the ephemeral - live sound - 
is etched in memory and also re-embodied in the visual arts,
literature, history and communal traditions. Papers and panel
discussions will be organized around three themes: “Fixing a
Black Music and History; Sound/Record; and Art/Music/Art. Issues to
be examined include how black music and its traditions are preserved
and recorded, imagined and re-imagined, for contemporary audiences.
Performance, the creative process, and the making of art are
highlighted as inspiration and content of critical inquiry in multiple 
humanistic disciplines: art and its history, musicology, literature,
history and sociology.

The symposium is held in conjunction with an exhibition of the same
name on view at the Mechanical Hall Gallery from September 2 – 
December 6, 2009. For more information on both events, please see:
or contact Peggy Lea (302) 831 8037 or universitymuseums@xxxxxxxx

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