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Re: [ARSCLIST] Einstürzende Neubauten

Whilst I am confident of the use of gerundives in Latin sentence construction, my knowledge of there use in other languages is not so good. The term is applied very differently to different languages; depending on the language, gerundives may be verbal adjectives, verbal adverbs, or finite verbs. Not every language has gerundives; for example, English does not. I'm afraid my knowledge of German language does not stretch to detailed discussion of syntax. Like Aaron I have not had to struggle with gerundives since leaving the third form at school.

Aaron Z Snyder wrote:
Mike Hurst wrote:

"Collapsing" here is a participial adjective,

Isn't this use of "collapsing" or "einstürzend(e)" what we in English call (or at least used to call - my grammar knowledge goes back half a century) the gerundive, i.e. the adjectival use of the gerund?

Aaron Z

-- Mike Hirst Managing Director DAS-360° 16 Ocean View Whitley Bay Tyne & Wear NE26 1AL

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