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Re: [ARSCLIST] revisiting tape bakers

"Hi Richard" to quote a phrae,

I deeply appreciate Your response, well thought out and clearly articulated, especially this quoted conclusion.

I am one of many who have successfully transferred hundreds of hours of otherwise unplayable tapes after s simple overnight baking at controlled temperature and with gentle cooldown.

There is no alternative to baking and digitiing economical enough for most people who have SSS tapes with material they wish to preserve. In fact, we are looking for some way to dispose of the tapes after transfer, as they are simply not archivable except as voluminous boxes of possibly sentimental but otherwise unusable materials! One studio will be able to halve its needed storage space once the archived analog tapes are disposed of. Who would want sticky unplayable tapes, and where can we put them other than landfill??? That is a far more important question for some clients!

Thanks for speaking up for us in such a detailed and accurate way!


Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Nov 7, 2008, at 12:52 PM, Richard L. Hess wrote:

Suffice it to say that there are multiple tape restorers on this list who are making EXCELLENT transfers after properly baking tapes.

When we last discussed this in April of this year on this list, I forwarded your message at that time to Dr. Bradshaw who responded privately to me -- with permission to use his quotes as I saw fit:

"Richardson's apparent conviction that his process would allow a tape to then [be] archived forever is absolutely ridiculous..."



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