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Re: [ARSCLIST] One-bit files


Yes he can capture at 96/24 on the Korg, but he's still struggling
some with the interface (so this is also a question of comfort level
for him).

Next time he brings the machine in I'll do the tests you suggest and
let you know the results.

Many thanks,


On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:32 PM, Richard L. Hess
<arclists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> At 11:01 AM 2008-08-27, Craig Breaden wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> One of our donors, a collector of traditional songs, has just
>> purchased a Korg MR-1000 1-bit recorder to do his field recording.
> ...
>> I created  44.1/16-
>> and 24-bit versions using Audiogate, trying to get an idea of what a
>> user copy would sound like, and noticed some digital artifacts thrown
>> in around what had been, on the original file, a very soft pop in the
>> background.  This was not encouraging, although I realize I could
>> render at a higher resolution using Audiogate then create the user
>> copy using WaveLab.  He's on the fence, wondering if he should go back
>> to his Tascam, and from some of the discussion last year on the list
>> regarding 1-bit, I'm not certain he shouldn't.  Any thoughts?
> Hello, Craig,
> This is indeed an interesting question.
> The first question I have for you, is can't he capture in 96/24 on the Korg
> instead of1 bit DSD?
> I would like you to evaluate all of the following transfer modes of the
> audio surrounding this click and report back to us, if you can:
> MR-1000DSD------------analog-----------studio 96/24 converter
> MR-1000DSD file-------audiogate----------------96/24 file
> MR-1000DSD-----------SPDIF/AES--------------96/24 file
> (I don't know if this is possible since the original was DSD and I
> don't know if the Korg can do the conversion inside before
> outputting SPDIF/AES)
> I'm trying to isolate the problem to the Audiogate software with these
> tests. We have waaay too many variables.
> Of course, then downsampling all three in Wavelab to 44.1/16 would need to
> be tried.
> I would be willing to downsample all three in Sampitude to 44.1/16 if you
> wish as one colleague says he can hear a difference between Wavelab and
> Samplitude, but I have not with the limited use I've put Wavelab to (he's
> used it a lot more). This is an echo of our thread last week <sigh>!
> More tests can present themselves, like comparing the Korg in DSD mode vs.
> 96/24 mode, then comparing the Korg to the Tascam and perhaps a rented Sound
> Devices 702/722. I selected the SD722 for field recording with a pair of DPA
> 4006 TL mics--actually I got the SD after I got the mics as I wanted
> something that would truly do justice to the mics.
> Cheers,
> Richard
> Richard L. Hess                   email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Aurora, Ontario, Canada       (905) 713 6733     1-877-TAPE-FIX
> Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm
> Quality tape transfers -- even from hard-to-play tapes.

Craig Breaden
Head, Media and Oral History
Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies
Main Library
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-1641
(p) 706-542-5782
(f) 706-542-4144

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