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[ARSCLIST] Trocadero

I hope I can reach Robert Hodge with this message, regarding a thread of last January,under the heading of "the Discographical Puzzle."

Bob, your message says that Leopold Jacobs was the first conductor of the Trocadero Orchestra in London, and Fred Gaisberg (bless his memory!) confirms this.  However, ALL of Alan Kelly's listings read either J. Jacobs or J. J. Jacobs, which I assume he must have gotten from the ledgers in the EMI Archives.  Moreover, almost all google searches lead us to Jacques Jacobs.   On the other hand, the two records Berliner 7942 and G&T 7943, both list the artists as G. Jacobs, presumably for George.

On the other hand, the EMI Centenrary Edition of 10 CDs lists item #3 on the first CD as "
"Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E Minor (excerpts) - Jacques Jacobs (violin) "  This is elaborated in EMI liner notes to indicate that the transcription was taken from Berliner 7917 mx 1850, recorded 5 April 1899, which Alan Kelly lists as J. Jacobs as the violinist.  The recording was made with piano accompaniment, NOT with the Trocadero Orchestra, which made its first recordings on September 6 and 7, 1898.

Howard Friedman

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