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[ARSCLIST] Improving Collections Storage Conference, September 2008

A Space Odyssey: Storage Strategies for Cultural Collections 

presented by the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts


September 23 & 24, 2008

Philadelphia, PA


This comprehensive 2-day conference is intended for archives, libraries
and museums of all sizes. Abstracts, brochure and registration form
available at http://www.ccaha.org/education/program-calendar.  Register


September 23, 2008

Planning for Storage Projects

Morning Plenary Sessions

*         Deconstructing Museum Storage: The Essentials

*         Allocating Resources and Funding for Collections Storage

*         Funding, Planning and Building New Collections Storage at the
Litchfield Historical Society: A Case Study

Afternoon Concurrent Sessions A

o       Space Planning:  Maximizing Your Storage Spaces

o       Off-site Storage: Factors in Selection

Afternoon Concurrent Sessions B

o       Moving Collections:  The Process

o       Open Storage:  Development and Public Relations

      Optional tour of the Union League after formal program


September 24, 2008

Environmental Control and Implementation

Morning Plenary Sessions

o       Storage Environments: The Big Picture

o       Sustaining Optimal Storage Environments 

Afternoon Concurrent Sessions C

o       Cold Storage: Is it Feasible for Your Collections?

o       Regulating Environments in Historic Structures

o       Understanding HVAC Systems

Afternoon Concurrent Sessions D

o       Storage Furniture: Factors in Selection

o       Instituting an Environmental Monitoring Program

o       Funding and Budgeting for Collections Storage Projects


Speakers include:

*        Georgina Bath, Interpretive Programs Manager, Luce Foundation
Center for American Art, Smithsonian American Art Museum

*        Susan Bing, Conservation Assistant, Conservation Center for Art
and Historic Art (CCAHA)

*        Walt Crimm, Vice President, Cultural Practice Group, EwingCole

*        Catherine Fields, Executive Director, and Julie Frey, Curator
of Collections, Litchfield Historical Society

*        Kristen Froehlich, Director of the Collection, Atwater Kent
Museum of Philadelphia

*        Michael Henry, Principal Engineer/Architect, Watson & Henry

*        Peter Herzog, Principal, Herzog/Wheeler Associates

*        Emily Kaplan, Conservator, Smithsonian National Museum of the
American Indian

*        Barbara Lemmen, Senior Photograph Conservator, Conservation
Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA)

*        Lee Price, Director of Development, Conservation Center for Art
and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA)

*        James Reilly, Director, Image Permanence Institute, Rochester
Institute of Technology

*        Glen Ruzicka, Director of Conservation, Conservation Center for
Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA)


The fee for this two-day conference is $225 for CCAHA members and $250
for non-members. SPECIAL OFFER:  When registering more than one
individual from the same institution, each additional registrant will
receive a $25.00 discount.


This conference is cosponsored and hosted by the Abraham Lincoln
Foundation of the Union League of Philadelphia. Major funding for this
program was provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the
Claneil Foundation and the Independence Foundation.


Register now!  Download a registration form, view speaker bios, and read
session abstracts at
http://www.ccaha.org/index.php/education/program-calendar.  Any
questions? Go to   www.ccaha.org <http://www.ccaha.org/> , call
215-545-0613 or email pso@xxxxxxxxxx



Kim Andrews

Preservation Services Officer

CONSERVATION CENTER for Art and Historic Artifacts

264 S. 23rd Street 

Philadelphia, PA  19103

215-545-0613 (phone)

215-735-9313 (fax)

kandrews@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:kandrews@xxxxxxxxx> 



Are you a member institution of the Conservation Center?  Click here
<http://www.ccaha.org/index.php/support/member>  to become a member and
take advantage of our great member benefits!


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