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Re: [ARSCLIST] Early Stereo 1881 and 1931 (Was - Dynadoodoo

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad


Mike Gray's transcription of the recording sheets made me realize that I am 
not the born discographer - I had made errors in my listing (I had misread my 
handwritten notes).

Before bringing the corrected version I would like to point out that I can 
only vouch for the existance of vinyl pressings as listed by me. I have no 
idea whether the remaining recordings listed on the recording sheets and 
transcribed by Mike have ever been pressed in vinyl, or even whether the 
metals still exist. Also, I would like to point out that the matrix numbers 
given by me are the way they are stamped in the metal, and that is different 
from the listing in the recording sheet.

Another note: the recording sheets give dry facts. In the book by Robert 
Charles Alexander: "The Inventor of Stereo. The Life and Works of Alan Dower 
Blumlein", Focal Press, Oxford 1999, there is a narrative putting names to 
the collaborators of Blumlein in the experiments, and they are individually 
discussed, but not necessarily providing more than the dry facts for each 
case. This is on pp. 77-80. The whole chapter about binaural recording is 
from pp. 60-77.

Matrix numbers of A.D. Blumlein experimental stereophonic records pressed in
vinyl [corrected version 21 March 2008]

TT 5749-1 (triangle) (triangle) (triangle) (triangle)
[COMMENT: this is the standard triangle indicating the use of Western 
Electric cutters. The repetition would indicate that this record was made by
two rubber line systems working in tandem]

TEST 5765-1
TEST 5765-2
TEST 5765-4

TEST 5767-1
TEST 5767-2
TEST 5767-3
TEST 5767-4
TEST 5767-5
TEST 5767-6

TEST 5768-1
TEST 5768-2
TEST 5768-3
TEST 5768-4

5771-1     Symposium1027A
5771-2     Symposium1027B
5771-6     Symposium 1028A
5771-9     Symposium 1028B

[COMMENT: all in 5771 are Sir Thomas Beecham rehearsals]

Kind regards,



Mike Gray:
> Digging in the files ... here's a list of what's on those Blumlein TTs:
> From memo dated 19th December 1933:
> Recorded Room 1006 from Auditorium December 14, 1933:
> 5767-1 Blumlein, Westlake, Trott and Harker talking in auditorium
> (Blumlein
> and Westlake in front)
> 5767-2 As above but different arrangement - Blumlein back.
> 5767-3 All walking and talking in muddle (changing position)
> 5767-4 Talking in turn (2 pairs) more slowly.  (Muddled change overs)
> 5767-5 Heavy shuffle - difference channel reduced by 3 db. As No.(4) for
> auditorium arrangements.
> 5767-6 Heavy shuffle and difference channel reduced 3 db. Blumlein walking
> in auditorium.
> Recorded Room 106 from Auditorium-December 15th 1933:
> 5768-1 Talking and walking in auditorium. Blumlein only. Heavy shuffle.
> Diff. channel 10K ohms and 70 ohms
> 5768-2 As for No.(1) for auditorium arrangements. Light shuffle 10K ohms
> 70 ohms, 40 ohms
> 5768-3 Westlake, Trott, Harker, Turnbull talking in turn. All shuffles as
> specified.
> 5768-4 As No.(3) for auditoruim arrangements
> Records made at Abbey Road with Binaural Gear (11th & 12th Jan 34)
> TT.1557-2 Dance band with microphones approximately 45 ft distant.
> TT.1557-1 Microphones as above.
> WT.5769 Three pianos converging towards standard HB microphone. Outer
> pianos
> make angle approximately 60 degrees with each other.  
> -1 Binaural microphones approximately 12 ft from tip of each piano.
> Potting
> A (lateral = 26), B (H.and.D) = 22
> -2 As 1 but potting reduced to A = 22, B = 18
> -3 Repeat of (2) with potting A = 22, B = 20
> -4 Binaural microphones advanced 6 ft. nearer pianos (now approximately
> 18"
> behind HB microphone)  Potting a + 18, B = 16
> -5 Microphones restored to original position, 1.d., as for subs (1), (2) and
> (3)
> -6 Microphones withdrawn to approximately 25 ft from ends of pianos. 
> Potting A = 26, B = 24
> Subs 1, 2 and 3 are of Hungarian Rhapsody [sic] Brahms
> Subs 4 and 5 of Ride of the Valkyries
> Sub 6 consist of snippets of rehearsal after session had finished.
> Records cut at Abbey Road on 19th January.1934 (memo dated 22nd January,
> 1934)
> Test WT5771 sub 1 to 9
> Sir T. Beecham and L.P.O. playing Mozart's 'Jupiter' Symphony.
> All subs cut with heavy shuffling and 6 db. sharp boost at 5000 c.p.s.
> -1 Microphones approximately 13' high and approximately 12' from nearest
> first violin.
> -2 As sub. 1 but Pt. of Symphony.
> -3 Microphones moved approximately 6' further back and 1'higher.
> -4 As sub 3 but potting [different]
> -5 Microphones approximately 7' further back, i.e., approximately 25' from
> nearest first violin. Pt. 3 of Symphony.
> -6 As (5) but potting [different]
> -7 As (5) but potting [different]
> -8 Microphone position as for (5) but potting [different] Pt. 4 of
> Symphony
> -9 As (8) but potting [different]
> According to the Technical Test master book, 7554 were made in the No. 1
> Studio, recorded in the No. 4 m/c room; 7557, labeled 'Binaural Test for
> Mr.
> Holman', were also recorded from the No. 4 m/c room.
> Additional tests appear on TT5765-1, -2, -4 Recorded Room 106 (from 2
> records)
> Test of Binaural P.O. and recorder. Two channels singly and then both
> together.  TT5749 Recorded room 106 (from pick and speech mic.) 1 channel
> speech/1 channel P.U.
> Regards,
> Mike Gray

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