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Re: [ARSCLIST] Any early Victor experts who can tell me more about this issue?

"Gimpel Beinish" are both masculine first names, so likely it's a
song about (or sung by the character of) Gimpel Beinish. Joseph
Rumshisky was a renowned Yiddish composer in the early years of the
20th century.  

Obviously a batwing label, although why His Master's Voice is
obscured is unclear to me. Victor did not have rights to the image in
England, but The Gramophone Company did - HMV did do special export
pressings with the Victor label (and the Gramophone angel on the
back) for US sale, and these have Nipper intact.

My guess is that this was a domestic US record for which there was
some call in England; perhaps the song was popular and HMV felt it
would sell in Golder's Green or Manchester - but not enough to
justify pressing it at Hayes.

Michael Shoshani

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